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Post 1/5 Now, think about this: Ever had one of those runs where everything that could go wrong, did? That was us in Denver last week. Picture this: Rude, Barkon, Huffman, and yours truly, Swayz, were hired for what seemed like a simple data heist. But, oh boy, were we in for a surprise…

Post 2/5 Let’s dive in. Our intel pointed to a discreet corporate facility. Zip had the security systems on lockdown. Or so we thought. As we entered, alarms blared. Turns out, there was a hidden magical barrier that Barkon didn’t detect. Rookie mistake? Maybe.

Post 3/5 Here’s where it gets wild. Turbo tried to smooth talk the guards, but they weren’t buying it. Rude, being Rude, decided to go headfirst into the action. Meanwhile, Huffman summoned a spirit, creating a diversion. The chaos was unreal. Lasers, drones, and magic all in play.

Post 4/5 In the midst of the chaos, I spotted a caged phoenix in the lab. Now, think about this: a real, fiery phoenix! Without thinking twice, I released it. The bird went berserk, setting the lab ablaze, giving us the perfect cover to escape.

Post 5/5 Here’s the kicker: we didn’t get the data. But, we did rescue a mythical creature. Back at our hideout, the phoenix, which we named “Blaze,” showed gratitude by leaving behind a feather. Rumor has it, it’s worth a fortune. So, not a total loss, right? Always an adventure with this crew! #ShadowrunDiaries


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